Professional Tooth Whitening vs. Beauty Salon
Posted on March 14
There is an increase in beauty salons / hairdressers / even temporary stands in shopping centres offering tooth whitening. This worries us greatly. Many of these non-dentists have now been prosecuted by the General Dental Council as they are not acting in patients' best interest, and they are breaking the law by carrying out the treatment.
When asked about this by my patients I often ask if they would trust me to cut their hair. None of them (quite wisely) have let me have a go yet. Hair grows back and teeth do not, so why entrust your teeth to a hairdresser?! I do not think it's worth the risk of allowing someone who is not a dental professional to do anything to your teeth.
Here are some examples of those who have been successfully penalised for illegally carrying out tooth whitening:
There is a stark contrast when you compare this with the predictability of professional tooth whitening. Our care promise puts your health and wellbeing at the core of everything we do, and we only ever offer the kind of dentistry that we would be happy to have in our own mouths. In fact we are so confident in our whitening products that some systems such as Enlighten whitening even come with a money back guarantee!
enVisage dental in Emsworth offers tooth whitening and has a wealth of experience in different systems. Our team have carried out post-graduate training in tooth whitening to ensure we can offer care which puts your health and well-being at the core of everything we do. Being a Gold Member of the British Dental Bleaching Society has helped me ensure that all those at my practice are providing treatment to high standards and treatment that the profession would consider to be best practice.
If you are interested in whitening or any of our services then do call our reception team on 01243 375588, or email on reception@envisage-emsworth.co.uk.